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Terms of Service - All Training Schools
The AllTrainingSchools.com web site is for students interested in IT training purpose only.

The information on this site is provided "as is" by the individual schools and with no warranty of any kind. The database in this site can not used for any commercial use.

For more information about business partnerships with AllTrainingSchools.com, contact partners@alltrainingschools.com

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AllTrainingSchools.com takes your privacy very seriously. Your information is sent to the requested schools only and is not sold or distributed to any other third parties.

While browsing through our site we collect information to analyze the user friendliness of the site and the collected data is analyzed to improve the site only. Some of our systems use "cookies" (small files on your computer), however no data is stored in "cookies" that is personally identifiable.

We send your information to the requested schools only so they can contact you for more information.

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